Mp board class 12th english varshik paper 2023 answers keys

Mp board class 12th english varshik paper 2023 answers keys| वार्षिक परीक्षा पेपर 2023 कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेजी

Mp board class 12th english varshik paper 2023 answers keys

कक्षा 12
बोर्ड परीक्षा 2023
विषय- अंग्रेजी
आदर्श उत्तर
Q.1) Passage-
1) Give the word from the passage that gives the meaning of Compulsory
2) Give the verb form of the word ‘Prohibition
3) Give the antonym of ‘Poorer
4) The Gita is capable of b
by heart
5) in the given passage, what is the only universal prohibition.
Desire for fruit
6) The Gita is
a great Religious Poem
7) The Gita is important for
quites – 80
every age the people at large
8) What do you understand by do’s and don’t in the extr
Work that should be done and should not be done.
9) According to Krishna the Gita is only for those
who has faith.
10) Opposite word of ‘Malice’
good will
2) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:
(1) Make notes on the above passage in points.
• Coal is a natural resource and comprises about 85% of total fossil fuel
reserves worldwide.
. India’s coal deposits are found in two distinct stratigraphic horizons-
Gondwana and tertiary coal.
. Gondwana coalfields contribute about 99% of India’s coal resources and are
located in peninsular India in the South Eastern quadrant.
. Major Gondwana coalfields are located along prominent present-day rivers
such as Damodar, Koel, Sone, Mahanadi, pench and Godavari.
• Tertiary coal is found on either extremities of peninsular India and is a
relatively minor resource.
. Coat can be classified broadly into two categories-coking and non-coking
. Coking coal is used in metallurgical industries and can be sub-divided into
prime coking coal, medium coking coal, and semi-coking coal based on the
quality of cake produced.
Non-coking coal is categorized into seven grades (Grade A to G) based on
its caloric value.
(ii) Give a suitable title to the passage.
Title: Coal Resources and Classification in India
3) OR
Write a paragraph in about 200 words on whether the study of three
school is necessary or not.
languages at

वार्षिक परीक्षा पेपर 2023 कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेजी

Study Three Languages At School
India is a beculer democracy comprising of people having faits is different religions and
speaking different languages Above all English is gaining good ground as one of the link
language at national and international stage Students urban as well as rural areas have
been going to live or travel throughout the length and breadth of the country on business
trade, tourism, education or professional requirem
As different languages are spoken in each region, so the three language formula for school
teaching, has been proving a boon. The three languages studied by students at school not
only help better communication and understanding among people but also promote national
integration. Therefore, the three langueges study in their schools will go a long way in
promoting national interests among the citizens and strengthening Indie
To study Three Languages At School
Al work and no playmates Jack dull boy” A lid at the age of three is sent to study at school.
There the did gets the lessons in English a language mostly not spoken atome is his high
school, he is taught Sanskrit due to three language formula This language is not spee
Most of the students settle in life in their sative places and hardly get any chance to move out
to the places where they can find the utility of the second and the third language they save
studied at school. The time and labour spent by them could have been better used for
imparting the know-how of one or the other professional sils. Everywhere one can see the
school pessouts, doing petty jobs for eersing their livelihood of what use they find having
studied the two additional languages at school? Of course it is a more stage
4) Or)
Your father has been transferred to another city. You want to sell certain
household goods. Design a suitable advertisement to be published in a local
For Sale
Some household goods
like a cooler, a fridge, a sofa,
a fan and a washing machine
in good condition.
Price around 25000/-
Owner shifting to another city
Contact :- Sanjay Sharma
352, M.G. Road Indore
Mob No.:

Mp board class 12th english varshik paper 2023

5) Or)
Last month y ought a digital camera from Modern Electronic Jabalpur. Now
you find something wrong with it. It is not working properly. Write a letter to the
dealer complaining about the problem.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Modern Electronic Jabalpur
I have recently bought a Samsung digital camera from your showroom. I was
excited to bring it home but disappointed to find that it did not work as expected.
To add more misery, even after I returned it to your store to claim the warranty.I
am yet to hear an update. I am hoping to get my camera replaced by a new one.
I have bought a Samsung NX410 40MP camera from Modern Electronic Jabalpur
10th December. Unfortunately, it malfunctioned just after I took it home. I cannot
take pictures and it turns off automatically. The very next day, I visited your
showroom and talked to Cynthia, one of your representatives, who assured me
that the camera would be replaced within 24 hours. When I called her again, she
told me that it would take a few more days and would be repaired instead of being
replaced. When I demanded the reason, she failed to answer.
It has been almost a week since I purchased the camera from your store. The
faulty product should be your responsibility, not mine. One of my relatives has
advised me to talk to the Consumer Rights Authority and file a complaint against
your company but I will wait till 24th (the day before Christmas). I am attaching
the receipt of the purchase.
I still believe in your brand reputation. I would like you to take immediate action
against the misconduct I experienced.
Yours faithfully,

Varshik pariksha 2023 class 12th english

6) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option: (any five)
1) catches
2) may

3) some
4) to pay
5) in
6) on
7) Do as Directed
(1) (a) Sita does not sing.
(b) She does not dance.
[Combine the sentences using neither…nor]
Sita neither Sing nor dance
(2) Mr. Gupta teaches us Hindi. [Change the voice]
Hindi is taught by Mr. Gupta
(3) if they do not work properly, they will be punished. [Rewrite using unless’ in
place of If]
Unless they work Properly they will be punished
(4) He is too weak to stand. [Rewrite using “so……. that]
He is So weak that he cannot Stand
(5) The child cried for milk. [Change into past continuous tense]
The child was crying for milk.
(6)(a) He gets his salary.
(b) He starts spending it. [Combine using No sooner than]
(7) Raju/write/can either/with hand. [Rearrange the words and make a
8) Answer the following questions in about 30 words: (any three)
(1) Why are the young trees described as ‘springing’ in the poem My mother at
sixty six’?
The printing of the trese symbollose the rephby posing youre of ‘
from childhood to old ags. This tops, which ahoma aethrity and atrength, le
controeted with that of her cd and treat mother who eseme dorment, elooping in

Class 12th english varshik paper 2023

(2) What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help us achieve?
Becording to the post, intring abract from our monotonous routine by ‘oounting
up to tokes and treeping er wil help us understand oureetree and thees
around we better. The quietnees will aid our understanding of the eignillones of
ponos catremquility in the age of his mothricies.
(3) What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?
Human beings love in aphte of troubles and startinge becues of the andatanes
of everal natural and beaul thinge around them. Thees thinge of beauty never
fade. They give joy and optimien to human mind, and there, help in evercoming or
boaring the troubles and aufringe.
Q.9) Answer any two of the following questions in about 30 words
(1) What will the Maharaja do to find the required number of tigers to kill?
To get the required number of tigers to kill, the Maharaja asked his dewan to find a
suitable girt for him to marry. A suitable girl for matrimonial alliance would be one
who would not only come from a royal family but also belong to a state with a
large tiger population.
(2) What are the indications for the future of humankind?
The future of the humankind can get in danger if the emission of carbon-dioxide
and other polsonous gases go on in the same manner. These gases deplete the
ozone layer and allow the ultra-violat rays of the sun to enter the earth’s

Mp Board 12th english varshik paper 2023

Q.10) Answer the following questions in about 75 words: (any two)
(1) What could be some of the reasons for the migration of people from villages to
There are many factors that cause migration of people from villages to cities.
Some villagers voluntarily move to the cities in search for jobs and better civic
and health facilities, etc. Others are forced to migrate when natural disasters like
flood, storm, drought, famine, etc. destroy their houses and properties.
(2) How did Douglas overcome his fear of water?
He swam alone in the pool. He went to Lake Wentworth to dive. He tried every
possible stroke he learnt. Finally, in his diving expedition, in the Warm Lake, he
conquered his fear completely.
Q.11) Answer any one of the following questions in about 75 words
1) Why is grandeur associated with the mighty dead’?
The ‘grandeur’ of the ‘mighty dead’ lles in their noble doods. They have left behind
the beautiful legacy of their brave acts. Their selfless sacrifice for their nation and
deads for the welfare of mankind still continue to inspire us.
Q.12) Answer any one of the following questions in about 75 words:
(1) Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why?

Yes, the third level was a medium of escape for Charley from the unhappy modern
world that is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and the like. This is because he
could never find it again at the Grand Central Station.
Q. 13) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions given below
(1) Name the author of the above extract.
(b) William Douglice
(2) According to the extract what is the name of the river.
(o) Valdima
(3) The author speaks about the misadventure when he was
(b) or loven years old
(4) Find a word from the extract which means “Dangerous”.
(a) gradual
(6) Synonyms of ‘gradual’ –

Mp Board Class 12th English varshik pariksha paper 2023 solution

14 (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions
(1) What moves the pall away from our dark spirits.
(a) Any shape of beauty
(2) What does the poet means by green world
(b) Daliodile green surroundings
(3) Which of the following poetic device has been used in ‘Shady boon
(e) Metaphor
(B) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below it.
(1) What was the Chief Concern of Dr. Sadao’s father?
(a) Dr. Shadao’s education
(2) At What age did Dr. Sadao go to America?
(b) Twenty two
(3) Why was Dr. Sadao sent to America?
(a) To learn surgery and medicine
(4) Find the word from the extract which is opposite of “Fraction”
(a) Army
Q.15) Answer the following questions in about 30 words:
(1) What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?
That day, Frans noticed the absence of the routine commotion caused by the
opening and closing of deakts, reporting of lessons in unison and repping of the
teacher’s ruler on the table.
(2) What makes the city of Firozabad famous?
Firozabad is a city in India that is famous for its bangles.
(3) How did the instructor build a swimmer out of Douglas
He used on elaborate mechanism with arpa, balt, pulley and an overhead cable
to help them stay connected while Douglas was in the pool.
(4) Why was the crafter so talkative and friendly with peddler?
he was happy to find someone to talk to, to be relieved of his bored and
monotony. This is the reason he was so talkative and friendly whin the pedidler.
(5) Why do you think the servants thought Gandhi to be another peasant?
To the swvants, he must have looked like just another poor farmer in this country.
Moreover, he was accompanied by Balkumar shuda whom they lanew to be a poor
Indigo sharecropper. Thus, when the servants saw them both together, they
mistook Gandhi to be another peasant.

Read the following passage carefully and anw
The Gita is not an aphoristic work; it is a great religious poem The
deeper you dive into it, the richer the meanings you get it being ma
for the people at large there is pleasing repetition with every age the
important word will carry new and expanding meanings. But its central
teaching will never vary. The secker is at liberty to extract from this
treasure any meanings he likes so as to enable him to enforce in his
life the central teaching
Nor is the Gita a collection of do’s and don’ts. What is lawful for one
may be unlawful for another. What may be permissible at one time,
or in one place, may not be so at another time, and in another place.
Desire for fruit is the only universal prohibition. Desire lessness is
The Gita has sung the praises of knowledge, but it is beyond the mere
intellect. It is essentially addressed to the heart and capable of being
understood by the heart. Therefore the Gita is not for those who have
no faith. The author makes Krishna say:
“Do not entrust this treasure to him who is without sacrifice, withou
devotion without the desire for this teaching and who denies Me. O
the other hand those who will give this precious treasure to My devote
will by the fact of this service assuredly reach Me. And those wh
being free from malice, will with faith absorb this teaching, shall, hav
attained freedom, live where people of true merit go after death
() Give the word from the pass
(a) Prohibit
(a) aphoristic
(c) obligatory
(ii) Give the verb form of the word “Prohibition
(h) Probibiting
(d) Prohibitingly
(c) Prohibited
(a) deeper
(iii) Give the antonym of ‘Poorer
(c) taller
(a) by ear
(c) by heart
(iv) The Gita is capable of being understood
(a) Desire for fruit
(c) Desire for result
(1) The Gita is
(b) richer
(v) In the given passage, what is the only universal prohibition.
(b) Desire for work
(d) shorter
(b) by brain
(d) by eyes
I will
(d) Desire for aim
an aphoristic work
(c) a patriotic song
(vii) The Gita is important for
(a) The old people
(b) The children
(c) everyage the people at large
(d) The young people
(viii) What do you understand by do’s and don’t in the c
work that should be done
(b) work that should be observed
(c) work that should not be done
(d) work that should be done and work that shoul
(ix) According to Krishna the Gita is only for those
(a) Who have faith
(b) Who have
(c) Who have truth
(d) Who have
(x) Opposite word of ‘Malice’
(a) criticism
(b) ill-will
(d) hatred

वार्षिक परीक्षा पेपर 2023 कक्षा 12 वीं अँग्रेजी

Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option: (any five)
The boy
the bird alment everyday.
(c) catching
(2) I think it
(a) may
(3) There are
(a) much
(c) some
(4) We are going
(a) playing
(c) played
(5) My friend lives
(a) in
(c) into
(6) The temple is
(a) on
(c) into
(7) Let’s go to
(a) a
(c) the
(d) caught
(b) must
(d) can’t
precious books in the library.
a match
(b) to play
(d) play
New Delhi
(b) at
(d) on
the middle of the river.
(b) in
(d) at
market where my father has put up stall
(b) an
(d) no article
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
given below:
Coal is a natural resource which constitutes approximately 85 percent
of the total fossil fuel reserves in the world. The coal deposits of India
occur in two distinct stratigraphic horizons Gondwana and its territories.
Gondwana coal contributes about 99% of the country’s coal resources.
These mines are located in peninsular India, in the South Eastem
quadrant, bound by the 78°E longitude and the 24″N latitude, thus.
leaving a major part of the country devoid of any coal deposits. The
major Gondwana coalfields are represented by isolated basins, which
occur along prominent present day rivers such as Damodar, Koel, Sone.
Mahanadi, pench and Godavari. The relatively minor resource of tertiary
coal is located on the either extremities of peninsular India
Coal can be broadly classified in two categories-coking and non-coking.
Coking coal are that which has cacking property and which is used in
metallurgical industries. Again depending on the quality of coke
produced by this coal, it is sub-divided into prime coking coal, medium
coking coal, and semi-coking coal. similarly, non-coking coal is also
categorised in seven grades (Grade A to G), depending on its calori
(i) Make notes on the above passage in points.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
Do as directed: (any five)
(1) (a) Sita does not sing
(b) She does not dance.
[Combine the sentences using ‘neither
(2) Mr. Gupta teaches us Hindi.
[Change the voice]
(3) If they do not work properly, they will be punished.
[Rewrite using “unless’ in place of 10
(4) He is too weak to stand.
[Rewrite using “so that
(5) The child cried for milk.
[Change into past continuous tense]
(6) (a) He gets his salary.
(b) He starts spending it.
[Combine using “No sooner
(7) Raju / write / can/ either / with / hand.
[Rearrange the words and make a sentence]

You are Sonia Nigam. While watching a news channel covering a
rally of “Green peace Activists”. Write an article for a newspaper
on It’s worth. Saving the Earth’.
Write a paragraph in about 200 words on whether the study of three
languages at school is necessary or not.
You are Abraham John, the secretary of your school’s Science Club
A Science exhibition is being organized in your school. Write a notice for
the school notice board inviting projects and models from the students.
The exhibition is to be held on 28 February,

Class 12th English varshik paper 2023

Your father has been transferred to another city. You want to sell certain
household goods. Design a suitable advertisement to be published in a local
You are Anuj Dubey. Write a letter to your friend describing a
recent exciting cricket match in which your team won.
Last month you bought a digital camera from Modern Electroni
Jabalpur. Now you find something wrong with it. It is not work
properly. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about the proble

Mp Board 12th english varshik paper 2023
Mp Board 12th english varshik paper 2023
Mp Board 12th english varshik paper 2023
Mp Board 12th english varshik paper 2023
Mp Board 12th english varshik paper 2023
Mp Board 12th english varshik paper 2023
Mp Board 12th english varshik paper 2023

Class 12th English varshik pariksha paper 2023 MP Board

Answer the following questions in about 30 words: (any three)
(1) Why are the young trees described as ‘springing in the poem
My mother at sixty six ?
(2) What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help us
(3) What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and
(4) What is suggested by the image massive weight of uncle’s
wedding band ?
Answer any two of the following questions in about 30 words:
(1) What will the Maharaja do to find the required number of
tigers to kill ?
(2) What are the indications for the future of humankind ?
(3) What will Dr. Sadao and his wife do with the man ?
Answer the following questions in about 75 words: (any two)
(1) What could be some of the reasons for the migration of people
from villages to cities ?
(2) How did Douglas overcome his fear of water ?
(3) How do we know that ordinary people too contributed to the
freedom movement ?