Ap 10th Class English Pre final Real Question Paper 2023 PDF

Ap 10th Class English Pre final Real Question Paper 2023 PDF |10th Class Pre-final English Paper 2023



(Max. Marks: 100)
Class: X
1. This question paper has 35 questions in three Sections (A, B and C
2. Answer all the questions on a separate answer book supplies to you
Class: XI
3. 15 minutes of time is allotted exclusively for reading the question paper
and 3, 00 hours for writing the answers.
4. Answer all the questions of Section-B (Grammar & Vocabulary) in
the same order at one place in your answer book
Time: 3.15 Mats
Third Language – ENGLISH
(Max. Marks: 100)
Time:3.15 Mats
1. This quih paper has 35 questions in three Sections (A, B and (.
2. Answer all the questions on a separate answer book supplies to you
3. 15 minutes of time is allotted exclusively for reading the question paper
and 3.00 hours for writing the answers
& Answer all the questions of Section-B (Grammar & Vocabulary) in
the same order at one place in your answer book

Pre final exam question paper 2023 Class 10th english

Ap 10th Class English Pre-final Real Question Paper 2023 PDF

(1-5) Read the given passage carefully
Despite the risk of being bullied, his parents insisted Nick on his
attending mainstream school, it was the best decision they could have made
for me, Adds Nick, who later achieved a degree in Financial planning and
Real Estate v very hand but it gave me independence
Nick, who was teased and bullied, had an electric wheelchair for
mobility, and a team of carers to help him
Now, answer the following questions
1 was deeply depressed when I was eight years old, he said.
I went to my mum crying and told her I wanted to kill myself,
1 felt cold and bitter. I hated God for doing this to me and was terrified
of what would happen when my parents weren’t there to look after me
1 could brush my own teeth with a wall mounted brush and wash my
own hair with pump action soap, but there was so much that was impossible
the risk Nick had to face in mainstream school?
cause for Nick’s depression?
2. What was
3. What helped Nick for his mobility?
A) Mainstream schoo
C) wall mounted brush
IA. He was being bullied, and alleged by others.
2A. His disability caused his depression.
Third Language – ENGLISH
(Max. Marks: 100)
al electric wheelchair.

10th Class Pre-final English Paper 2023

1. This question paper has 35 questions in three Sections (A, B and C).
2. Answer all the questions on a separate answer book supplies to you.
3. 15 minutes of time is allotted exclusively for reading the question paper
and 3.00 hours for writing the answers.
4. Answer all the questions of Section-B (Grammar & Vocabulary) in
the same order at one place in your answer book
(1-5) Read the given passage carefully.
Despite the risk of being bullied, his parents insisted Nick on his
attending mainstream school, “It was the best decision they could have made
for me; Adds Nick, who later achieved a degree in Financial planning and
Real Estate. “It was very hard but it gave me independence.

‘I went to my mum crying and told hier I wanted to kill myself,
‘I felt cold and bitter. I hated God for doing this to me and was terrified
of what would happen when my parents weren’t there to look after me.
I could brush my own teeth with a wall mounted brush and wash my
own hair with pump action soap, but there was so much that was impossible
for me.
(Attitude is Altitude)
9. c
Now, answer the following questions:
1. What was the risk Nick had to face in mainstream school?
2. What was the cause for Nick’s depression?
3. What helped Nick for his mobility?
A) Mainstream school
C) wall mounted brush.
8) an electric wheelchair.
IA. He was
being bullied, and alleged by others.
2A. His disability caused his depression.

10th english Class Pre-final Paper 2023

4. What terrified Nick?
A) The thought of his parent’s helping him with wheel chair.
The thought of what would happen to him without his parents.
C) The thought that he was bullied
5. What could the deep depression in Nick result in?
A) He would feel cold and biner.
B) He would take a best decision.
Pne would kill himself.
(6-8): Read the following poem carefully.
Once upon a time, son,
they used to laugh with their hearts
and laugh with their eyes:
but now they only laugh with their teeth,
While their ice-block-cold eyes
Search behind my shadow.
Now, answer the following questions.
6. What does the phrase “Once upon a time’ suggest ?
A) An event that happened in the past.
(6-8): Read the following poem carefully.
Once upon a time, son,
they used to laugh with their hearts
and laugh with their eyes:
but now they only laugh with their teeth,
While their ice-block-cold eyes
Search behind my shadow.
Now, answer the following questions.
6. What does the phrase “Once upon a time’ suggest ?
A) An event that happened in the past.
B) An event that is likely to take place.
C) A story.
7. “Laugh with eyes’ indicates
A) Inability to laugh loudly.
PFull of happiness that reflects in eyes.
C) Tear less laugh.
8. Who search behind the shadow ?
B) Son
A) Poet
(9-10) Read the following passage.
(Once upon a time)
(Once upon a time)
In the film ‘Devadass’ (1953), (one of the best picturisations of

Full of happiness that reflects in eyes.
C) Tear less laugh
8. Who search behind the shadow?
A) Poet B) Son

10th Class Pre-final English Paper 2023 solution pdf

(9-10) Read the following passage.
In the film Devadas (1953), [one of the best picturisation[s] of
Saratchandra Chatterjee’s novel Devadas; Parvathi comes alive in Savitri
The young Parvathi with curly hair, a lock of hair straying to her forehead,
the large round black berry eyes looking out from an innocent face left an
indelible imprint in the minds of all cine lovers. She portrayed Devada’s love.
and the role of a rich man’s wife marvellously. Savitri left her mark in this
evergreen Telugu classic.

10th class english pre final exam paper 2023

(A Tribute)
Contd… 3rd
Now, answer the following questions.
9. The eyes of savitri were compared to
A) Apple B) Innocent
10. What were the divergent roles played by Savitri in Devadas? ICI
A) Classical role B) An old woman
TRole of a true lover and a loyal wife.
(-15). Study the following table carefully and answer the questions
that follow:
S. No. Divisions in state
Black berry
11 Number of employees in various departments of state government.
Total no. of
S. No. Divisions in state
Percentage Percentage
of Female of Males
·2 Electricity
3. Fisheries
4. Roads and Building
5. Transport
Now, answer the following questions.
1 What does the table show?
·2 Electricity
4. Roads and Buildings
Now, answer the following questions.
1 What does the table show?
Percentage Percentage
of Female of Males
14. Maximum number of employees work in
ATRoads and Buildings
B) Electricity
Lotal no. of

10th Class Pre-final English Paper 2023 answers keys PDF

12. How many departments are listed in the table?-5
113. How was the percentage of female when compared to male ?
A) The males are much less in the departments than females..
The working females are lesser than males
C) The male and female employees are equal in all departments.
C) Agriculture.
15. Choose the right statement based on the information from
the table.

Ap 10th Class English Pre-final Real Question Paper 2023 solution PDF

12. How many departments are listed in the table?-5
13. How was the percentage of female when compared to male ? IBI
A) The males are much less in the departments than females.
The working females are lesser than males
C) The male and female employees are equal in all departments.
14. Maximum number of employees work in
ATRoads and Buildings
C) Agriculture.
15. Choose the right statement based on the information from
B) Electricity
the table.
At The total number of employees in Agriculture and Transport
are the same.
B) The Electricity department has the maximum number of employees,
C) The percentage of male employees in fisheries is lesser to the
female employees.

pre final exam paper 2023 class 10th english

16. Combine the sentences using Relative clause “Who’
Victoria was Amelia’s daughter. She loved her grandfather.
A. Victoria who wat Amelia’s daught Turn Over
Scanned by CamScanner
19. Fill in the blanks using prepositio
In cay of fire, ring the alm b
03 17.A. The heavy boy wags lifted by the old man.
17. Change the voice.
The old man lifted the heavy box
18. Combine the sentences using lig
wona Sevice payle
• track the metro toakn was conce
trouble on the track. (Since-led.
repositional phrases. 2×1-2
a spite of in case of/in addition to)
darkness (offort)
b) Children are afraid of
20. Fill in the blanks with suitable verb form
a) I last (lose) my pencil yesterday (
b) I have
four years

ap pre final exam paper 2023 class 10th english

21. Your colleagues are interested in social service Advise him to start
health camp
22. Change into polite Request Camp for poor
The old man lifted the heavy box
18. Combine the sentences using linkers
Since there was Come
I have known her…)
poor. a free 2 health
17.A. The heavy box ways lifted by the old man.
17. Change the voice.
on conce
he was some trouble on the track. (Since)
19. Fill in the blanks using prepositio prepositional phrases. 2×1=2
In fay of fire, ring the alarm bell (in spite of in case of/ in addition to)
b) Children are afraid of
darkness (of forfat)
20. Fill in the blanks with suitable verb form.
a) It(lose) my pencil y
il yesterday
b) I have four year. (I have known her…)
21. Your colleagues are interested in social service Advise him to start
a camp poor.
a free 2 health
22. Change into polite Request Camp for poor
Nick to Bethapy Hyredipe: Teach me to put how to surf, madam
you feark
23. What dode following semences mean? Identify the right/