Ap 10th Class Social studies SA1 Question Paper 2023

Ap 10th Class Social studies SA1 Question Paper 2023| Summative assessment 1 sa1 Class 10th Social studies Exam Paper 2023 answer key


Ap 10th Class Social studies SA1 Question Paper 2023 : 10th Class Social studies SA1 Question paper 2023 Summative assessment 1 sa1 Exam Question paper 2023 will be held on December 2023 According to the New Time table 2023, 24 . Class 10th Social studies Ap sa1 Question paper 2023 PDF with answers keys. Download Your Free Pdf AP Summative assessment 1 Class 10th social Studies sa1 Exam Question paper 2023

10th Class Question Paper (AP) summative assessment 1 Social Studies

BoardAndhra pradesh board
SubjectAp 10th Class Social studies SA1 Question paper 2023
Class 10th Social studies SA1 Question paper 2023 answers keys PDF
SA1 Question Papers 2023 Class 10th social studies
Exam dateDecember 2023
Exam modeOffline

Ap 10th Class Social studies SA1 Question Paper 2023

Note: i) Answer All questions.

Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Min.

• 15 minutes of time is allotted to read the question paper and 3 hour

• All answers should be written in the separate answer booklet.

• The paper consists of 4 sections and 33 questions.
• There is an internal choice in Section – IV.
• In Question number 33 both India map and World map should be answered.

Summative assessment 1 sa1 Class 10th Social studies Exam Paper 2023 answer key

There are two major river systems in the Indian sub continent
a) The himalayan river system

Name some green houses
Who participated in the Yaltaconference?
i) Each question carries I mark
iii) If any question is answered more than once in this section, the earlier answer will only be Prepare any two slogans on the importance of Peace
Draw the rough sketch of Andhra Pradesh outline map
a) Primary sector
b) Secondary sector
Third sector
Q. Which sector is called a s
Note: i) Answer All questions.

Write any two welfare measures implemented by the state of Andhra Pradesh By 1947, Aug 15 all princely states signed the instrument of accession with India except?

10. Area wise which is the smallest and which is the largest state in India?

11. On what grounds the people of Kadankalam have posted again the project?

12. What were the paths adopted by Mahatma Gandhi and Sabah Chandose during Indian from

ii)Each question carries 2 marks

13. Give suggestions for the bettement of employment in rural areas.

14. In what aspects do you appreciate Sardar Valla Pal

Note: i) Answer All questions.

15. Weite about the main cases which are responsible for two world wars

16. How did the USSR form the influence of great depression?

17. Why do you think parents give less priority to girls education as compeed to boys?

18. The importance of service sectoe is going on increming day by day

19. What were the agricultural reforms of Joseph Stalin in USSR

20. Suggest the precautions we can take to prevent the special of convine

Class 10th Social studies sa1 Question paper 2023 PDF


ii) Each question carries 4 marks

21. Suggest measures to minimise the influence of global warming

22. Which aspects of feming practices were regulated in the context of Hiware hane to improve the water conservation?

In what way is the service sector different form other sectors? Explain with few examples

24 Why did the japanese allow Bose to recruit soldiers whom they had imprisoned?

AP Class 10th social studies sa1 Exam Question paper 2023 answers keys PDF

10th Class Social studies SA1 Question paper 2023 PDF Click here
Ap Class 10th Social studies SA1 Question Papers 2023 Answers keysClick here


25. Discuss the global impact of Russian Revolution
26 Read the following peragraph and write your opinion on it.

On 3 March, 1993 the famous Enabling Act was passed. This Act established dictateship in Germany It gave Hitler all powers to sideline parliament and rale by decree. All political parties and
trade unions were banned except for the Nary party and its affiliates. The state established complete control over the economy, media, army and judiciary

27. By studying the below paragraph, write the measures taken by your state government to improve schooling among children.

The MONGOLIA”Students in Himachal Pradesh come school enthusiastically. An overwhelming proportion of students enjoyed their schooling experience
caping The teachers krves us and teaches as well said Ncha, rolled in clan 4 in a village in चंबा Children had dreams of studying till higher closes and aspirations to be policemen, scientists and teachers. The attendance rate was very high in primary classes, but also among older chilken Observe the below mup and answer the following questions
Map I: Area Under Japanese Contor 1942
Note: i) Answer All questions.
Max Marks: 100

Summative assessment 1 Question Papers 2023 PDF Class 10th social studies

i) What is Dutch East India and Burma called now?
ii) Name any two countries those are under control of Japan
iii) Write any two countries which are out of control of Japan
iv) Most of the area under the control of Japan is a part of which ocean?

ii)Each question carries & marks.
iii) Each question has an internal choice.
29. a) How are the Eastem coastal plains and western coastal


h) Explain heilly the social and infrastructural needs
30. a) Do you find the presence of aggressive nation, imperialism power blocks and militarismunds too? Give examples and disc in the clas

b) In what ways Jews were puted during Nari Gemany? Do you think in every country some people are differentiated because of their identity?