AP 9th Class English SA1 Question Papers 2023 Answers keys

AP 9th Class English SA1 Question Papers 2023 Answers keys | SA1 Class 9th English Question paper 2023 AP


AP 9th Class English SA1 Question Papers 2023 Answers keys : Andhra pradesh board has been conducted the exam Sa1 Class 9th english Question paper 2023 PDF on December, 2023 according to board release the revised sa1 exam time table 2023 and you can also download the 9th Class English SA1 Question Papers 2023 model And previous years questions paper 2023 based on letest patterns and syllabus

summative assessment 1 2023 -2024 Class 9th English

BoardBoard of secondary education Andhra Pradesh board
Subject9th Class english sa1 Question paper 2023 PDF
AP 9th class English sa1 Exam Paper 2023
Exam date2nd December, 2023
Class 9th
SA1 English exam Question paper 2023 Available( download now)

SA1 Class 9th English Question paper 2023 AP

Third Language – ENGLISH
(Max. Marks: 100)
Class: IX 1
Grammar &
Academic Reading
standards comprehension Vocabulary Expression
[ Time: 3. 15 Mnts.
Total Grade
Name of the Student:

Summative assessment 1 Class 9th English Question paper 2023 PDF

1. The question paper has 35 questions in three sections (A, B & C)
2. Answer all the questions on a separate answer book supplied to you.
3. 15 minutes is allotted exclusively for reading the question paper and
3.00 hours for writing the answers.
SECTION-A: (30 Marks)
Roll No.: ………..
4. Answer all the questions of SECTION-B (Grammar & Vocabulary)
in the same order at one place in your answer book.
2. Who shared his room?
3. At what time had he finished his meal?
4. Who made the noise ?
A) the rats
B) the snake
C) the raindrops
D) the screeching doors

AP 9th Class English SA1 Question Papers 2023 Answers keys

Q. (1-5) Read the following passage and answer the questions. 5 x 2=10
It was a hot summer night; about ten o’ clock. I had my meal at the restaurant
and returned to my room. I heard a noise from above as I opened the door. The
sound was a familiar one. One could say that the rats and I shared the room. I took
out my box of matches and lighted the kerosene lamp on the table. The house was
not electrified; It was a small rented room.
1. Who was the speaker of the passage?
[Turn Over

9th English sa 1 Question paper 2023 PDF

Q. (11-15) Read the pie- diagram carefully and answers the questions.
The given pie chart represents the amount of money spent by a
family on different items in a month
Clothes 19%
Grocery 25%
is spent on
Rent 5%
Now, answer the following questions.
11. What is the ‘pie chart’ about?
12. On which item is the expenditure 16% ?

Class 9th English sa 1 Question paper 2023 PDF Download

13. The amount of money spent on clothes is
A) 5%
B) 19%
14. 25% of the amount
A) education
C) 15%
B) grocery

AP Class 9th Sa1 Question paper 2023 English( PDF download)

9th Class English SA1 Question Papers 2023 PDF Click here
SA1 Class 9th English Question paper 2023Click here

9th English Sa1 Question papers 2023

18. Change the following sentences into ‘passive voice”.
Raju ate Idlies.

19. Join the following sentences using present participle.
I came down the stairs. I saw my sister.
20. Read the following sentences and choose the correct reporting
verb from the options given against each sience.
1) The host, for the delay.
a) asked
b) apologised el said
2) The police later that one of t. victs had been
23. Change the following into Polite Request You to your friend; wait a minute

24. Read the paragrapia and write the Synonyms of the underlined words choosing the words given the box. astonishing. items, hardly

c) Nogised
given work.
a) proposed b) declared
21. Make adverb forms for the b
a) clumsy
1) joy!
b) slow
22. Re-arrange each set of word to fora meaningful sentences. Use
c) lofty
appropriate punctuation maks
a) see/you/can/from/n/there
b) impatien/du/henot
26. Fill in the blanks with the right form of words given
in the brackets.
(a) (discover/disco
On the bed-table she
a great many sheets fine paper.. them up, tore them into tiny pieces, and
her case, then, DE barren, Iswaan also had an amazing

(a) capacity to produce vegetables and
conkingredients (b). seemingly out of nowhere.(c) In the middle of a
deace (d) landscape with no shops visible for him around.

Class 9th English sa 1 Question paper 2023 answers keys PDF

25. Read de paragraph and match the words given in the box with their
look away. lightly, big shrink, lazy
She sat on a stool. gravely
(a) watched him until he woke and stretched (b) and asked the time then looked at her. Don’t stare (c) so.
Kezia. You look like a little (d) brown owl.
(d) (sew/ sewed) up the fruth side.
33. a) The lesson “The fun they had
(b) (gathered/gathes)
(e)stuff/ stuffe)

27. Complete the following spellings with au, ou, ou, ai. le.

If there is a part of the br__n especially devoted to misch

28. Write the words or phrases that match these definitions and write them

1) The state of being alone
2) without much effort
29. Find the wrongly spelt word and write its correct spelling. 2×1=2
a) resonence, auspicious, seream, stare
b) laborious, frail, fasinated, ancestor
30. Dictionary Work have

NAME, main fola:nt) Adjbehaving in a calm and related way giving the impression that you are
not feeling any andet, Syn casual: to appear I look I sound non
chalant, it’ll be fine; sheplied, with a non chalant shrug non, chance 15as NAME-1 Inoun [u] an air of non chalance.
Non-cha-fantly, Adv. He was learning non chalantly against the wall.
1. What is the MEANING of ‘nonchalant”?
2. What is the NOUN FORM of ‘ncochalant”?”
31. Arrange the following words under the correct headings.8 x%=2
education, dictionary, misspell, invisible, hazardous, disengage impressive,

AP SA1 Class 9th English Question paper 2023 with answers

SECTION-C (30 Marks)

b) thank god
d) next time ber luck
V – 22
32. What do the following sentences mean? Choose the right answer and
write it in your answer book
a) Your friend has won the first prize in the state level Seier Exhibition.
what would you say?
a) all the best
c) congratulations
rates the schools of future. Where a time when all the book will be on eniputers and there will be no books printed on paper.

Now write a possible. “CONVERSATION”tween you and your
friend on the future school
b) The story “The Little girl” about a little girl whose feelings for her father changed from fear to understand will probably find an echo in every home. Imagine yourself as Kezia and writera “DIARY, ENTRY” about your feeling on your Jacher. dit

34. a) You are Chaitanya, and you are studying in a hostel. Now, write a
LETTER to your parent inviting them to attend your school’s annivery programe You can include the following details: when it is going to he celebrated who is going to attend students’ 2 partielpation, etc.
Write a sunt biographical sketch of “Sachin Tendulkar’ basing on the
following hits. Sachin Forn 24 April, 1973-Mumbai-father Ramesh Tendulkar – coach Ramakanth Acherkar-constant practice in cricket – brother encouraged-debut against Pakistan in 1989-made centuries against all countries-49 Test centuries-51 One-Day International centuries awarded Rajiv Gandi Khel Ratna-Padmabhusan-Padmavibhushan- First player to be awarded BharataRatna

9th English Sa1 Question papers 2023, 24

1. The narrator had sixty rupees in his suitcase.
2. Some shirts and dhotis
3. A-tiled
4. B-there was no electricity in the room
5. A-a doctor
26. a) locality
c) possibly
27. a) thoughts
28. a) persistence
29. a) coiled
20. a) had brushed b) heard 2×1=2
21. You should work hard
22. Could you give me your pen 2M
23. a) A-expressing inability
13. C-5.8
14. A-3

AP 9th Class English SA1 Question Papers 2023 PDF

15. A-Grade 6 students occupy the highest dropout rate
16. I would get married to a woman doctor who had plenty
of money and a good medical practice. 2M
17. A new world record was set by Michael Stone. 2 M
18. After Padma had completed her homework, she went to bed
19. a) to
b) of
b) C-seeking information 2×1=2
b) perspiration
d) punishment
b) threatening
d) respect 4×1=4
2 M
b) seat
b) obsess sion 2×1=2
b) add mark (all are right) 2×1=2
30. 1) Noun
2) Two (make a decision and decision making) 2×1=2
Alliterative words
1. Ping-pong
2. Pitter-patter
3. Mish-mash
4. Tick-tack
32. C-E-F-A

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