10th Class English Fa2 Question paper 2023 PDF

10th Class English Fa2 Question paper 2023 PDF/AP Class 10th English fa2 Question paper 2023 answers keys PDF/Fa 2 exam paper 2023 Class 10th english



(Max. Marks: 20)
Class: X]
Name of the Student:
L Reading
A) Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.
Simultaneously our journeys started in two opposite directions,

10th Class English Fa2 Question paper 2023 PDF

with me seated in the luxurious seat of a bus and father walking back with
weary legs on the pebble-strewn road.
1. Whose journeys started?
2. How were the seat and the road described in the passage?
B) So I have leamed many things, son
I have learned to wear many faces
like dreves-home face,

10th English Fa2 Question paper 2023 PDF

office face, street face, host face,
A) to write poems
B) to wear many dresses according to the occasion
C) to have different expressions during different occasions
5. Which of the weed in the passage meanskilful?
a) drawing b) swabbing c) dexterous
[Time: 45 Mats.

10th english fa2 Question paper 2023 PDF

AP Class 10th English fa2 Question paper 2023 answers keys PDF

Roll No.:-
C) You are dexterous at swabbing the floor-even more dexterous in
drawing the mugg

II. Vocabulary: 5 M
A) Complete the following spellings with ‘ei’, ‘ai’, ‘oo’, ‘oa’.
and write the word in the space given.

English 10th Class Fa 2 Question paper 2023 PDF

Ours is a hilly (a) terr___n, without any motorable (b) r______ds
and there is no certainty that we are ever going to have any roads.
B) Complete the words with correct suffixes given in
a) Fina (y/lly), my father came up with a b) solu_

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10th Class Fa 2 exam Question paper 2023 english

C) Arrange the following words under correct headings. 4 x ½ = 2
Chuk-chuk, dilly-dally, chit-chat, boo-boo, ha-ha, ping-pong, mish-
Duplicative expressions
Alliterative expressions